Center Mark
Center mark is placed at the geometric center of the image, serving as an excellent reference tool for ensuring symmetry and identifying the central position of objects in the frame.
Center Mark
[Menu–>Guideline–>Center Mark]
Default: [Off]
Similar to frame line, center mark can also be customized according to preferences, including their type, color, and line width.
●Type: [Small Cross, Big Cross, Cross 2, Small Dot, Big Dot]
●Color: [White, Black, Green, Red, Yellow, Magenta, Cyan]
●Line Width: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] (Among the options, [1] represents the thinnest line, while [5] represents the thickest)
[Menu–>Guideline–>Center Mark Settings–>Type]
Default: [Small Cross]
[Menu–>Guideline–>Center Mark Settings–>Color]
Default: [Green]
Line Width
[Menu–>Guideline–>Center Mark Settings–>Line Width]
Dafault: [3]