Peaking outlines the clear edges of objects in the image to quickly determine the focus. Peaking is based on the brightness difference between different pixels in the image. When the edges of objects in the image are clearer, the brightness difference between the edge pixels and the background pixels is greater. Conversely, when the edges of objects in the image are more blurred, the brightness difference between the edge pixels and the background pixels is smaller. When the brightness difference at the edges of objects exceeds a threshold, the object is considered to be in focus, and the corresponding pixels will be rendered in another color to indicate the focus position.
Peaking On/Off
Default: [Off]
With the default settings, pressing the [1] button can quickly turn the peaking on or off.
Peak focus has three modes: [Color], [Mono], and [Outline]. When [Color] is selected, the image is displayed normally without processing. When [Mono] is selected, the image is processed into monochrome, and the peak focus display is overlaid on top, making it easier and quicker to focus due to the greater contrast. When [Outline] is selected, the image is processed into pure black, and the peak focus display is overlaid on top.
Peaking Mode
[Menu–>Tools–>Peaking Settings–>Mode]
Default: [Color]
By adjusting the sensitivity of peak focus, you can set the threshold for the brightness difference between pixels, thereby affecting the intensity of peak focus displayed on the image. There are five sensitivity levels for peak focus: [0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%]. The lower the value, the fewer edges are displayed; the higher the value, the more edges are displayed. By selecting the appropriate sensitivity, you can achieve precise and quick focusing.
Peaking Sensitivity
[Menu–>Tools–>Peaking Settings–>Sensitivity]
Default: [50%]
Additionally, you can set the color of the peak focus. There are seven colors to choose from: [Red, Green, White, Black, Yellow, Magenta, Cyan].
Peaking Color
[Menu–>Tools–>Peaking Settings–>Color]
Default: [Red]
NOTICE It is not recommended to set the peak focus sensitivity too high, as it may affect the ability to accurately judge the focus of the image.